The Small Replica Gucci Shoulder Bag Grey with Brown Trim Leather VTX368 shows classic Gucci craftsmanship. It has a grey PVC body and brown leather trim. The adjustable shoulder strap, inspired by equestrian design, has numbered notches. They allow for a perfect fit. Light gold-toned hardware complements the refined design.
Material: PVC + genuine leather
Size: 24.5 x 16 x 6 cm
Color: Gray with brown leather trim and contrast stitching
Hardware: Light gold-toned
Lining: Green and red web cotton
Strap: Adjustable shoulder strap with a 6.3″ – 10.6″ drop
Features: D-ring for detachable items
Interior: 1 open pocket
Closure: Zip
Dimensions: 9.6″W x 6.3″H x 2″D
Weight: 0.55 lbs approximately
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